Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Project 3: Totally Looks Like

Building downtown = Owl

Bouncing Ball = Earth

Tree = Gun

This stick and plant = Looks like the number 10. (I found it this way too)

Lamp = American Gladiator Stick

Hair Straightener = Chopsticks

Cat Tree Tower = Phone Service Bars

Shower curtain design = Saints Football Team Logo

Guitar amp = robot

Cat = Egg

For this project, we had to take 10 different pictures of something that reminded us of something else. And put them next to each other to see the difference. 

In Class Assignment - Opposite Drawing - Juxtaposition

"Big/Small" = Ant/Godzilla

"Rock/Rap" = 80's Rock Star/Gangster

"Ugly/Sexy" = Nerd face/Barbie shape body

For this assignment, we had to think about broad differences (like Big/Small) and think more about specific differences to go along with that. (Ex. For my first idea - Ant/Godzilla). After thinking of a bunch of different ideas, we had to pick 3 to combine and showcasing their "juxtaposition". My first one is an Ant/Godzilla. Second idea is a 80's Rockstar/Gangster. Third idea is Nerd/Barbie shape body. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Project 2: New Yorker Phrase Narratives

Concept #1: 

"Give him two bottles of aspirin, and call me in the morning."

                                                                   Concept #2:

"Give him two bottles of aspirin, and call me in the morning."

For this assignment, I was given a quote at random -- "Give him two bottles of aspirin, and call me in the morning." We had to come up with 2 different visual illustration concepts to go along with it. 

So for the first idea, one guy is throwing up on the toilet because he drank too much, so a friend is offering him some aspirin and advices him to call him in the morning. 

For the second idea, I created fictional squirrel-like characters, and divided the scene into two separate pieces. The mom squirrel (on the right) is calling Dr. Squirrel (on the left) because her baby squirrel is sick. All the doctor suggests is to give him two bottles of aspirin and to call him in the morning. 

"The Paper Game" In-Class Assignment #2

This was our second in-class assignment (The Paper Game). We made a book of 21 blank pages and sat in a big circle of 21 people. Each person had to write a quote or music lyric on the first page then hand it to their neighbor. Then they had to come up with a visual illustration to go along with the quote. Then, they pass it to the next person and that person only sees the visual illustration and has to come up with a quote to go along with that.. and so on, all the way around the table of 21 people. Eventually it got back to me, and the quote totally changed. (It's one giant game of telephone)

I only posted the first two pages - and the last two pages.

To begin with, I wrote "Nobody puts baby in the corner"
Then, my neighbor drew a picture.

then it totally changed

so the last two are..

"Who needs utters or nipples, I love pasteurized milk dude!"
That's when it got back to me, and I drew the last image.

Very fun game !!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Project 1 - Shape Potential

"Ice Cream Shape Family"

"Race-car Shape Race"

"Rock-On Pinnochio Shape Man" 
& "Shape Skate" 

"Ice-Cream Shape Man Licker"
& "Shape Whale Killer"

"Shape Pants Killer" He gets hungry while he kills

"Super Shape Gun"

"Super Shape Man"

"The Shape House"

In this assignment, we had to pick a random shape out of a hat and trace it 10 times. Then, we had to come up with 10 visuals to go along with that shape. It was very interesting what I came up with.

First In-class assignment - Shape worksheet

This was our first in-class assignment. We were given a worksheet with just a triangle, square, and a circle, and we had to come up with some visuals that could go with those shapes. I did a fish, guitar, and a cat with a chin.

Exquisite Corpse

We had to fold the paper in thirds and were assigned to a group of three. Each person had to draw the head, body, and feet part of the drawing without having one another see what they are drawing. Then you draw two lines over the fold to let that person know where you stopped and where they have to start. In the end, you get an exquisite corpse, in other words, a very strange drawing.