Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Final Project 9 - Old Maid Cards

Old Maid card - One thing that really hinders my creativity is stress and anxiety. So my old maid card is a very anxious character, called Anxious Bob. Back in middle school, there was one year where I was obsessed with Spongebob and everyone would always call me Bob. I’m just glad that only lasted one year.
(back pattern of the Old Maid cards) - For the back of the card’s pattern, I decided to make a pattern out of the Star of David because my background is a hundred percent Jewish.
The five personal events that changed my life are: Moving to Austin, Texas (Austex), getting my first guitar which was a Fender Strat (Fendie), my nephew Maximus being born (Max E.), going to my first rock concert which was Ozzfest (Ozzrock), and I got into a bad jet ski accident in middle school (Jess Key).

The five people that inspire me are the following: my little brother Austin (Austie), my grandma (Bubby), my best friend (Taylor), my other best friend (Corina), and the mean teacher, Erika Greenberg, that told me I would never make it as a graphic designer (Erik-UGH). 

The five inanimate objects around my house are: a bristle paintbrush (Bristy), a Nirvana vinyl record (Rickard), a hand-flip skateboard (Zero), a band hat that I got at my first rock show (Hattz), and guitar sunglasses my dad gave me (Elton). 

The ten things that help me create are the following: Sleeping or taking a nap (Shleps), listening to music (D.J. Soundz), making a milkshake (Steady Shakes), going for a car ride (Carl), talking on the phone to a friend (Collette), watching television or a plasma t.v. (Placid), playing with my cats Journee & Harry (J.Harry), playing my guitar (Mr. Geet R.), taking a hot shower (Shawn), and/or eating a piece of cheese (Chez-E). 

For the titles of the Old Maid cards, I chose to use very light san serif font (Gill Sans Light) and kerned the letters closer together. I believe this typeface goes well with the light and simple line work. I wanted to use light colors with a splash of highly saturated colors. I feel like it really brings the drawings to life. Each category has a common background color.
            Overall, I really enjoyed this project because it opened my eyes to the style I like to work in. It was fun and challenging to work outside my comfort zone and get really creative. The printing part is always a challenge too, but everything went all right. It is definitely an awesome portfolio piece. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Project 8 - Mix Tapes

"Cello Suite No. 1 in G" by J.S. Bach

"Sad Sad City" by Ghostland Observatory

"E.S.P." by The Miles Davis Quartet

"Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Part 1 " by The Flaming Lips

For this assignment, the teacher gave us a list of 4 songs - (listed above) - and we had to listen to them and create non-literal imagery for it. (Thinking of symbols that come to mind through the lyrics or the "mood" of the song) 

For the first song (Bach) - I drew a violin using "Baroque" floral pattern forming the violin which reminded me of that time period. 

For the second song (Ghostland Observatory) - I drew a sad dark city in the background, while the ghost figures are trying to stick together.

For the third song (Miles Davis) - The song didn't have any lyrics, just a lot of upbeat trumpet playing. So I drew a couple swing-dancing using bright colors.

For the fourth song (The Flaming Lips) - This song was about a girl Yoshimi who had a black belt in karate trying to not let the robots take over the town. Still confused of what this song is really about.. But I tried my best and drew an illustration expressing it to the best of my ability.

In Class Assignment Wk 8 - Storyboard

For this in-class assignment, we had to pair up into a group of 3 people and were given 3 words by random (Jupiter, Twins, and Bouquet of Flowers). We had to design a 24-panel storyboard for an animation that has a narrative based around the 3 'things'. It was a very interesting assignment.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Project 7: The Bard

For this assignment, we had to jump into a 'Pseudonym role' from an earlier project - (Jon Mess), and illustrate a program cover for one of the Royal Shakespeare Company's productions. 

I chose to do "The Comedy of Errors". I felt like I captured the spirit of the play by using theater masks and making one angry and one sad to express the wild mishaps that happened throughout the play. I used a soft-pastel medium to give off the messy characteristic of my Pseudonym. For the typography, I turned the "r" the other way in the word "Errors"to express the 'errors' or mishaps throughout the story.

Here is a short synopsis of the story: The Comedy of Errors tells the story of two sets of identical twins that were accidentally separated at birth. Antipholus of Syracuse and his servant, Dromio of Syracuse, arrive in Ephesus, which turns out to be the home of their twin brothers, Antipholus of Ephesus and his servant, Dromio of Ephesus. When the Syracusans encounter the friends and families of their twins, a series of wild mishaps based on mistaken identities lead to wrongful beatings, a near-seduction, the arrest of Antipholus of Ephesus, and accusations of infidelity, theft, madness, and demonic possession.

In-Class Assignment: Editorial Illustration

For this assignment, we had to design an editorial illustration for an article we read about Metlife ads. If you ever have received a Metlife e-mail and have opened it, they have cookies in their e-mail to have 'Metlife' ads open in any browser on your computer. So I drew this illustration to show that there's no escaping ads in general and the cookies from spam e-mails are taking over!!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Project 6: Simplification Through Symbolism

"Every rose has its thorn"

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get"
Version #1

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get"
Version #2

"Nobody puts baby in the corner"

For this assignment, we had to make up 10 quotes and narrow them down to the best 3. They had to have good visuals to work with too in order to make them into a logo. For the first logo, I did "Every rose has its thorns". The 2nd and 3rd logos are different versions of the same quote, "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get". The 1st version is an actual heart-shaped box of chocolates and the 2nd version is a hershey kiss coming out of a box. (it was quite the challenge, and couldn't decide which one worked). The last logo is of the quote "nobody puts baby in the corner". These are all big versions and small versions of the logos to show if they can keep there form when size adjustments are made.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

In-Class Assignment: Between Ugliness & Beauty

For this assignment, we had to show the midway point between ugliness and beauty through our own perception.

She's a beautiful girl, but has to cover it up with her fake boobs, and too much plastic surgery which makes her ugly

Elderly people are beautiful because they have lived a long-lasting life, but they end up getting wrinkly and things start to sag which turns ugly

Rich, snobby people basically can buy anything to make them "look" beautiful. In return, it could get ugly because people start to use you for your money, and could get hard to trust people.

Pregnant women are beautiful because they are able to give life to a new human being, yet it could be ugly too because their body goes through many changes, especially gaining weight.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Project 4: Emotional Cyrk Poster

This is our Project 4 assignment - An Emotional Cyrk Poster. We had to take our Pseudonym (fictitious character) from our in-class assignment project - using its style, characteristics, and emotion - and express it through a unique Cyrk poster.

Cyrk - contemporary Polish circus posters, emerged in 1962 as a genre of the Polish School of Posters. they are characterized by their display of aesthetic qualities such as painterly gestures, linear design, hand lettering, metaphors, humor, and vibrant colors. Usually based on a single theme and not meant to be advertisements; they were created in an attempt to interest the passerby in the upcoming circus.

My fictitious character, Jon Mess, expressed some of his characteristics by using a messy soft pastel medium and cardboard. He colored in many different directions to show the angry side to him. The subject he drew was a man riding a unicycle, holding scissors (because he's got a dangerous side to him too), and the word 'Cyrk' coming from his messy hairstyle.

In-Class Assignment: Pseudonym

This was our in-class assignment. We had to create a pseudonym "fictitious character" that is very opposite than me and is stylistically opposite too. I like to draw with defined lines and very organized with the mediums I choose. My character's name is Jon Mess. He is extremely messy, and draws very different than me, as he draws more undefined line work. He likes to uses any messy medium he can get his hands on. Also, he is a very angry/dangerous person (opposite of me), and he enjoys expressing it in his work. 

 He created the next project - A Cyrk poster - He used his style and expressed it through his messy characteristics. (Really it was me drawing it, but through his eyes and his style) 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Project 3: Totally Looks Like

Building downtown = Owl

Bouncing Ball = Earth

Tree = Gun

This stick and plant = Looks like the number 10. (I found it this way too)

Lamp = American Gladiator Stick

Hair Straightener = Chopsticks

Cat Tree Tower = Phone Service Bars

Shower curtain design = Saints Football Team Logo

Guitar amp = robot

Cat = Egg

For this project, we had to take 10 different pictures of something that reminded us of something else. And put them next to each other to see the difference. 

In Class Assignment - Opposite Drawing - Juxtaposition

"Big/Small" = Ant/Godzilla

"Rock/Rap" = 80's Rock Star/Gangster

"Ugly/Sexy" = Nerd face/Barbie shape body

For this assignment, we had to think about broad differences (like Big/Small) and think more about specific differences to go along with that. (Ex. For my first idea - Ant/Godzilla). After thinking of a bunch of different ideas, we had to pick 3 to combine and showcasing their "juxtaposition". My first one is an Ant/Godzilla. Second idea is a 80's Rockstar/Gangster. Third idea is Nerd/Barbie shape body. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Project 2: New Yorker Phrase Narratives

Concept #1: 

"Give him two bottles of aspirin, and call me in the morning."

                                                                   Concept #2:

"Give him two bottles of aspirin, and call me in the morning."

For this assignment, I was given a quote at random -- "Give him two bottles of aspirin, and call me in the morning." We had to come up with 2 different visual illustration concepts to go along with it. 

So for the first idea, one guy is throwing up on the toilet because he drank too much, so a friend is offering him some aspirin and advices him to call him in the morning. 

For the second idea, I created fictional squirrel-like characters, and divided the scene into two separate pieces. The mom squirrel (on the right) is calling Dr. Squirrel (on the left) because her baby squirrel is sick. All the doctor suggests is to give him two bottles of aspirin and to call him in the morning. 

"The Paper Game" In-Class Assignment #2

This was our second in-class assignment (The Paper Game). We made a book of 21 blank pages and sat in a big circle of 21 people. Each person had to write a quote or music lyric on the first page then hand it to their neighbor. Then they had to come up with a visual illustration to go along with the quote. Then, they pass it to the next person and that person only sees the visual illustration and has to come up with a quote to go along with that.. and so on, all the way around the table of 21 people. Eventually it got back to me, and the quote totally changed. (It's one giant game of telephone)

I only posted the first two pages - and the last two pages.

To begin with, I wrote "Nobody puts baby in the corner"
Then, my neighbor drew a picture.

then it totally changed

so the last two are..

"Who needs utters or nipples, I love pasteurized milk dude!"
That's when it got back to me, and I drew the last image.

Very fun game !!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Project 1 - Shape Potential

"Ice Cream Shape Family"

"Race-car Shape Race"

"Rock-On Pinnochio Shape Man" 
& "Shape Skate" 

"Ice-Cream Shape Man Licker"
& "Shape Whale Killer"

"Shape Pants Killer" He gets hungry while he kills

"Super Shape Gun"

"Super Shape Man"

"The Shape House"

In this assignment, we had to pick a random shape out of a hat and trace it 10 times. Then, we had to come up with 10 visuals to go along with that shape. It was very interesting what I came up with.